If you want to know about the real motives and goals of Muslims, you need to know about Prophet Muhammad. If you know about Prophet Muhammad, then you know Islam; you will also know the way Prophet Muhammad founded Islam and the process of his establishing Political Islam. If you do not understand Prophet Muhammad, then you do not know Islam, and you will not comprehend Muslims, their motives, or the way Muslims built on Prophet Muhammad’s movement and became a global power. Almost every Muslim’s life goal is to imitate Prophet Muhammad scrupulously. Prophet Muhammad led a fascinating life: he was a businessman, leader, commander, warrior, revolutionary, father, grandfather, politician, prophet, and founder of the Islamic religion. Because Prophet Muhammad is equal to the Qur’an itself, and the Qur’an says that every human being should do everything that Muhammad did, for Muslims, then, Prophet Muhammad is the perfect pattern of life for all people for all time. Islam is a religion of submission; every follower of Prophet Muhammad must submit to him and his teachings, so that their lives are patterned after him, since, to them, he was a perfect man and gave them the perfect pattern.
Prophet Muhammad used a methodology to spread Islam around the world and one of the ways he spread it was through migration. A Hijrah by emigration, according to Islamic tradition, is the journey of Muhammad and his followers from his birth place Mecca to Medina in the year 622, when he set up the first Islamic state in Medina. In the beginning the history of Islam, Christians and Jews saved Muslims from persecution by their fellows and their home countries, but once Muslims gained power, they turned against the host countries. Therefore, an understanding of the historical pattern of Islam recognizes that the spread of Islam results from migrations or journeys, as the last fourteen hundred years demonstrate.
The reason Europeans hesitate to take more migrants is because many migrants in Europe have established bad records in their host countries, causing some of the European Union countries to be cautious about permitting more to enter. Particularly newsworthy are pockets of extremism-established base in host countries. With a low birth rate, a high abortion rate, and the indigenous European population in decline, Europeans face an identity shift. The Muslim population continues to grow through migration, inter- marriages, and high birth rates. Some of my readers accuse me of fear mongering, but I am not arousing fear needlessly, but instead am just recounting history. Granted Europeans view Muslims as outsiders, and granted Muslims see them as infidels who are too different to be a part of their society; therefore, we already see a clash of cultures. The problem is that most Muslims do not want to integrate with Europe but want Europe to integrate into Islam. My point is that if Muslims want to be part of a certain society, they should accept the rules there and try to do their best to align with them. If they do not want to accept the European rules, they have the choice of going back home. When I look at those immigrants, so called refugees, I note that most of them look like body builders, speak good English, and even more, are able to pay an exorbitant price to smugglers to help them to get to Europe. So, I do not believe all the stories that they tell. Real people who are poor and need help are left behind because they do not know how to speak English and do not have money to pay to leave. My other point is that the previous generations did not run away from tyranny; they stayed and fought against it. Further, and not insignificantly, no matter what the West, meaning Europeans or Americans, do for them, they will still hate Westerners. Many examples illustrate this such as America and European countries’ fighting the Taliban and Al-Qaida on their behalf, and now these trained, athletic young men do not want to fight yet blame the West and America for trying to destroy them. Life has never been easy for anyone anywhere. It only has meaning if we respect each other, appreciate what we have, and work hard not to depend on anyone.
For a long time Muslims wanted to turn the European continent into a Muslim one but failed. Even in 1908, Said Nursi prophesied, “Europe is pregnant with Islam and will give birth to an Islamic nation.” He did not see that conception, yet today, without swords, without guns, without military conquest, Muslims are shifting the balance by just getting in a boat and crossing the sea to Europe. It will take a couple of decades, but evidentially, they will turn the countries of the European Union to an Islamic continent. Because Muslims believe that in the end days, the sun will rise from the West, some of the Muslim scholars interpret that as Islam rising from the West, not from the East. As we see today, many of the Muslim fundamentalists have escaped to the West or specifically to the USA, where they have freedom to operate large-scale migrations.
Furthermore, Muslims believe that the best way to defeat an enemy is by using the enemy’s weapons against the enemy. So what are the enemy’s weapons? They are human rights, migration rights, equal rights, democracy, equality, and such. Most of the immigrants who come to the West know that the West cannot and will not do anything but accept them, so the West is the victim of their own hypocritical policies, not even knowing what they are getting into. The German government announced they will welcome 800,000 asylum seekers and other EU countries, like France and the UK, will receive a couple of thousand under the mandatory immigration quota system. This is no longer just a refugee or immigration crisis; this is a Muslim Hijrah into Europe. To emigrate in the cause of Allah is to move to a new land in order to bring Islam there, considered in Islam to be a highly meritorious act. According to the Qur’an “and whoever emigrates for the cause of Allah will find on the earth many locations and abundance.” Further, “And whoever leaves his home as an emigrant for Allah will find his Messenger and then if death overtakes him, his reward has already become incumbent upon Allah. And Allah is ever forgiving and merciful.” Today, a Hijrah of a much greater magnitude is upon the West. Libya and Turkey are strategic gateways into Europe; Muslims go to Libya and Turkey, and from there as refugees into Europe.
Prophet Muhammad was forced by persecution to flee Mecca and his Muslim followers were forced to flee with him. To solicit commitment to his message, he began with a few well-known youth in the Meccan society. He secretly gathered an underground movement. After several years he gained more power and more followers and began publically preaching against the idols that Meccans worshipped. It is important to take note that the Qur’an was revealed in a span of approximately twenty-three years, not all at once. So his movement was a process, based on conditions of time and place. Not until some point later were Muslims called to prayers with loudspeakers, but rather prayed silently, so that others would not hear them and come after them. Also, initially during Muhammad’s time in Medina, Muslims prayed toward Jerusalem, but after Muhammad came to power, he turned to Mecca for prayers. During his time at Medina, Muhammad’s influence was still weak, and Muslims did not have much power compared to the Jewish people, who were socially and economically more powerful than them. Therefore, Muhammad told his followers not to confront Jewish people until they gained enough power, which is exactly the pattern they set. If Muslims are commanded by the Qur’an to follow the example of Muhammad’s teaching and life, then his example demonstrates to the Muslims the necessity of a struggle for statehood and subsequently their duty to secure a state.
Muhammad acted as a prophet for twenty-three years of his life. However, he spent much of his time involved in various political activities, including four major wars with non-Muslims to ensure the stability and freedom of Muslims. The purpose of these activities was to establish an Islamic nation. First, when Muhammad started to preach and gain followers in Mecca, the resistance of rich merchants against him was very strong, forcing Muhammad and his supporters to take another tactic. Second, other leading people in Mecca imposed economic sanctions against Muhammad and anyone associated with him. They did not want him to have influence because they were afraid that his teachings would interfere with the flow of the many goods in Mecca and other trade. Third, Muslims were not welcome in Mecca and faced many difficulties. Muhammad and his followers immigrated to Medina, where they established the first Islamic State. His followers also went with him to save their lives, so that a continued state of conflict existed between Mecca and Medina. Interludes of war and peace continued until Muhammad’s army defeated Mecca. Medina was very important because it provided Muhammad and Muslims a safe haven to conduct their mission and to grow economically and socially in order to set up the new Islamic state. After several years, Muhammad and his followers returned to Mecca, where they conquered the city and made the inhabitants worship Allah rather than idols.
All Muslims have one agenda, no matter what Americans, Westerners, Asians or those in the liberal left do for them. Despite their hatred of them, they still want them to surrender to Islam They want to create an alternative system to the West and to capitalism.
Dr. Aland Mizell is President of the MCI and a regular contributor to Mindanao Times. You may email the author at:aland_mizell2@hotmail.com