The Paris, Ankara, Beirut, and the Bamako attacks, all carried out supposedly by ISIS and Al Mourabitoun, show that terror continues in the name of Islam. The Islamic terror network is trying to change the world system, and no country feels safe anymore. It is because there is an absence of strong leadership that is determined to take a stand against this wicked ideology and to go after it with all means. The terrorists in Mali released the Muslims among their hostages if they could cite passages from the Quran, clearly showing that there is a direct link between Islam and terrorism. The clash between Islam and the West will continue and will not end anytime soon. Islam is, in fact, the only civilization that ever calls into question the survival of the West. Today the war is not just against the land of infidels, but also within Islam. When the founder of Islam, Prophet Mohammed died, Islam died with it. Because after the death of Mohammed, leaders who were interested in power implemented a series of policies including Jihad, utilizing oppressive and violent methods to get the power they wanted. Since then there has been no peace not even within Islam.
The war within Islam is all about power and about the method to destroy the infidels and bring them under the tent of Islam, which is Sharia law. The clear example is the war between the Shias and Sunnis with the unending conflicts in the Middle East and incidents wherein leaders will kill and slaughter children and pregnant women, all in the name of religion, but actually for power. All this continues today. For those who blame the West, America, poverty, or the war in Iraq for the mess the Muslim world in, they are wrong. I recommend that they reread the history of Islam especially the Post-Mohammed era of Islam. The big responsibility to defeat this wicked ideology lies on the shoulders of Muslims themselves.
Western and American political leaders should tell the truth accordingly. Also, if the West and America want to defeat this wicked ideology, they should not use the language of political correctness, euphemisms, distortions to lie and deceive the public or to play the blame game. Before they issue statements, they should read the history of Islam because Islam is a way of life and the heart of culture that cannot merge with another. For a long time, Western leaders believed that the Muslims would blend into a multicultural Europe. The problem is that Muslims do not want to assimilate but instead demand separate laws and ways of life. Now, with the arrival of hundreds of thousands more Muslims the nightmare will get even worse. Central and Eastern European people who have already lived under the authoritarian regimes are rethinking their entrance into the EU, considering that it may have been a great mistake. Instead they wanti to secure those lost borders. Current migrants will live on social benefits until they bankrupt the welfare system. All the Western countries’ birth rates are low and the population is aging. In most of the Muslim countries, people under thirty account for 70 % of the population or even more. In his attempt to justify the assault on the satirical French weekly, Charlie Hebdo, Secretary of State John Kerry ridiculously rationalized them, unlike the more recent attacks in Paris, which he did not attempt to explain away. It is time for the Western leaders not to be cowardly but instead to tell the people the truth. We live in the 21st century; there are no grounds of history, religion, ideology, politics, economic disadvantages, or personal ambitions that rationalize the killing of unarmed civilians or the bombing of public spaces. This kind of wicked ideology should never be rationalized but rather must be stopped.
The West will not be able to defeat the ISIS by the rules and standards to which the West holds. Even if it defeats the ISIS, then they will create another terrorist group with other names like we had Al-Qaida, Boko Haram, Al Nusra, El Horosan, and others. Europe is committing societal suicide. In Europe more people are attending Friday prayers at mosques than Sunday services in the churches and cathedrals. The birthplaces of Western civilization soon will be no more than museums. Europe is very weak, economically and militarily. Once America rescued Europe from Fascist regimes, but if America gets lost, who will rescue America? A friend of mine asked me, “Is the ISIS going to destroy Western civilization?” I told my good friend, “No, the ISIS can’t destroy Western civilization; the evils of multiculturalism, political correctness, and left-wing liberalism, all with their own agenda are already destroying Western civilization. The West needs to wake up and smell the coffee. In Muslim tradition, the world is divided into Dar Al-Islam and Dar Al-Harb. The former, where Muslims rule, is called Dar Al-Islam, and the latter is the field of war where the infidels live. The presumption is that the duty of jihad will continue until the entire world accepts Islam and lives under Islamic rule.
When the United States killed Osama Bin Laden, President Obama said that the U.S. military had given Osama Bin Laden a burial at sea to preserve his dignity, so that it would not offend Muslims. What kind of dignity should the West bestow? It cannot win the war unless it defines the enemy. Europe has already surrendered to Islam, and the United States is in the process of doing so because the current President has attacked all the American values that made America great-- faith, family, and freedom. The West will lose the war if its leaders fail to educate the public about the true nature of the enemy. The reason the West is being targeted is not because it is a problem, but because of the offered solution. When America fought the war on Nazi Germany, granted not all Germans were Nazis, but still America had to fight Germany to defeat the Nazis. Not all Muslims are terrorists but most of terrorist groups are Muslims. My point is that in not even naming the enemy, political correctness is allowing Western civilization to be destroyed and its leaders are leading the public to be slaughtered.
Dr. Aland Mizell is President of the MCI and a regular contributor to Mindanao Times. You may email the author