Monthly Archives: September 2024

They’re not PDLs anymore . They’re college students.

93 PDL students transferred to their new dorm  inside  the College Education Behind Bars in a new building inside the Davao Prison and Penal Farm, in Davao del Norte. Before, only a small percentage of people have been able to … Continue reading

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New MCI ‘s Student-leaders take oath of office for new academic year – 2024-2025

Elected New Set of MCISA officers took oath and accped the challenges of serving the their Community for academic year 2024-2025 in front of the group MCISA members on September 8 2024. At the MCI Weekly Study Forum , 40-45 … Continue reading

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Welcome Message from Lynntyh Aguilar , the MCISA President

The Journey of a thousand mile definitely begins with one step,which means every step taken gets us closer to our goal,I Appreciate everyone for Putting trust in me which  has put me in the power and position to Evolve and … Continue reading

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SETBI Steps to Recovery Leadership Training Events In  DAPECOL Maximum Securty Prison

Many correctional facilities are open to Celebrate Recovery.  We have STEPS to recvoery pre-requsites for all our students . Many PDLS  are open to a program that will help them overcome the hurts, hang-ups and habits that have led to where they … Continue reading

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Minority Care International Annual Retreat at the Emilia healing Resort  Island Garden City of Samal August 2th–5th, 2024

MCI retreat brings adults and youth together in celebrating the outdoors, in a beautiful, safe, fun environment. We all need to recharge and there is no better place to do it. In between playing, swimming, reading, meditations, fellowship, movie night, … Continue reading

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SETBI   Celebrate Fifth Commencement  Exercises

SETBI   Celebrate Fift Commencement  Exercises Fifteen PDL at the College Education Behind Bars put on their caps and gowns on Thursday to grab their diploma and kickstart a brigther future for themselves. Fifteen PDL completed their Senior Highs School diploma … Continue reading

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