Welcome Message from Lynntyh Aguilar , the MCISA President

The Journey of a thousand mile definitely begins with one step,which means every step taken gets us closer to our goal,I Appreciate everyone for Putting trust in me which  has put me in the power and position to Evolve and Invigorate the activities of the Minority Care International Student Association ,however your supportive and active participation is still very much important  to take this Prestigious MCISA ogranization  to the next level.Feeling thankfulness and not expressing it, is like wrapping a present and not giving it,Today, I take the opportunity to put all my gratitude into words thank My Mentor and President of MCI Sir Aland  for bleiving in me , helping me , guiding me, correcting me and directing me in this journey of my life. Also  my thanks to outgoing Vice President Ate Theresa and her team of officers  who have witnessed it as a memorable and successful events you have done for MCISA . Also special thanks to you all for believing in me and for being here Today , May name is Lynntyh  Aguilar , On behalf of the MCISA ,  I would like to welcome you all to the 2024/2025  semester. I hope you all had a wonderful summer break and that you found plenty of time to relax and enjoy yourselves.

The new school year offers a new start, a fresh opportunity to engage with new professors, to confront new courses and to challenge new ideas and perspectives. The start of a new semester is a time full of possibilities, and a chance to bring your own renewed sense of discovery and intellectual curiosity to the academic experience. Let’s take advantage of this fresh start, and use it wisely. My team and I will work  hard  to make this great organization in better place during this 2024/2025 school year .The  heart of leadership lies the spirit of service and the commitment to making a positive impact on our communities. At our MCISA , we instill these values in young adults, guiding them towards becoming not just leaders in their own lives but also in their communities. Leadership begins with a sense of responsibility and a desire to give back. Our students understand this principle and actively seek opportunities to contribute to the welfare of their communities. I hope you will take advantage of the many opportunities that will be on offer; for academic and professional development, both individually and collectively. We have many events and activities outlined already, both for the benefit of the Association and the Students as well.These include. Students Exchange program with USA School ,  School supplies  Projects , Eye Glass Distributions,  Fundraising event, MCISA Christmass Party, Annual Retreat and Food Bank. Sports , games.

In my view, one of the great things about MCISA  is the freedom to develop ideas so that they become a reality, whether that be an event, a personal business plan or academic goals. I want to encourage you to take inspiration from some  individuals likeKuya Jerwin and others ,every time he is back in the country , he shares always  how this organizaton shape Kuya jerwin point of in life, If we work hard, we can make MCISA  a household name. I would also like to impress upon you the importance of having fun while doing it!
For the new students, I can tell you that MCISA  “a family away from fmily ” for all of you. MCISA   is a place where you will meet many new people from different cultures and backgrounds and create life-long friendships.  There are students from all other walk of life , and this is another element that I think makes it the best place to be and to learn.
Whatever these may be, we know that you will be especially busy, but we hope that you might take a little time to contribute to the MCISA Student Association, as the memories and achievements you take from MCISA  will last a lifetime.Thank you, and wishing you the very best for a productive and creative School Year 2024-2025.

Lynnntyh Auguilar, President

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