They’re not PDLs anymore . They’re college students.

93 PDL students transferred to their new dorm  inside  the College Education Behind Bars in a new building inside the Davao Prison and Penal Farm, in Davao del Norte. Before, only a small percentage of people have been able to get college degrees in prison. That’s about to change.Prison education is about hope for a better self and hope for a better life. Having the opportunity to go to college in prison started allowing PDLs to relax and focus their  energy solely on what they are going to do the day they go home , and that's what education is in prison. It's hope for a ebtter life . This is what education can do: break down lifelong barriers and open doors for new ways of thinking. Many of PDL have never experienced this before, given that they  often come from small, tight-knit communities from which they never ventured far.Some people think that getting into a college program in prison is the biggest hurdle. But it’s actually harder to remain motivated to stay in college. There are many significant barriers to college for the incarcerated,SETBI team helps come over these barriers. College Education Behind Bars (CEBB) is at the heart of all of SETBI’s work. Since 2016   CEBB has been working to provide incarcerated women and men participating in college study programs with a team of supportive and engaged mentors. We currently have over 40  volunteer mentors from throughout Philippines and internationaly . These dedicated mentors share not only their time but their hearts as they connect to and mentor our students and help them to believe in themselves, their ability to change the trajectory of their lives, and truly have hope for a positive and productive future. The powerful relationships and bonds that develop between CEBB Mentors and students impact not only those inside but equally our Teachers . These relationships bridge communities, develop understanding and awareness while creating powerful, lasting transformative relationships.

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