Social Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Business Institute Partners with Davao Del Norte State College (DNSC)

Davao Del Norte State College (DNSC) and the Social Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Business Institute (SETBI) College Education Behind Bars sealed its partnership with a Memorandum of agreement signed by Dr. Aland Mizell, President of Social Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Business Institute (SETBI); Attorney Susan Cariaga, Vice President of SETBI; the Davao Del Norte State College ‘s President Dr.Joy M. Sorrosa; and Girley S. Gumanao, VP Academic and Research of DNSC, singed the Memorandum of Agreement on February 20,2020 , at the Davao Del Norte State College Conference room. Davao Del Norte State College ‘s President Dr.Joy M. Sorrosa (DNSC). “ we have commonality on purpose and aspiration for drug free Philippines. DNSC President Stated. “ We strongly believe, the drug problem is a social problem; therefore, it is everybody’s problem , and everybody has a responsibility and a role to play. PDL ‘s re-entry begin at the point of their entry into the Prison. And an effective rehabilitation program should be in placed before PDL’s transition from custody to into society and begin their new lives. This is what we believe at the College Education Behind Bars. Not only ensure that PDL serve their sentences in a safe , secure setting but also to return them to their communities and families as restored , reform , rehabilitated and law biding citizens. We have bene committed to changing lives, one inmate , one day, at a time. A variety of opportunity and outlets are devoted to the pre- release process at the College Education Behind Bars, four year college degree, recovery programs, Senior High Schools degree, Vocational training, faith based courses, life skills development help prepare e PDL for long term success.” Dr Mizell said.  Continue reading

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Why International Communities Do Not Give Much Credit to the US for Killing Major General Qassem Soleimani Who Was a War Criminal and a Ruthless Killer

The US drone strike at Baghdad’s international airport that killed Major General Qassem Soleimani, head of the elite Quds Force of the Iranian Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC), has opened a new, yet in a sense an ongoing, Middle Eastern drama. There is an international outcry, and, of course, even Democrats are trying to whip up hatred for President Donald Trump for the killing of Qassem Soleimani. There is no question that Soleimani was at the top of Israel’s target list. Seemingly, Israel did not want to confront Iran directly but wanted the U.S to do its dirty work.  America has also had General Soleimani in its sight for a long time, but has always refused to kill him, fearing the consequences. Now Tehran has accused the United States of state terrorism, claiming that General Soleimani was a courageous, wise, rational visionary who engaged in a life long struggle to make the world a better and safer place for everyone. Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said that the United States terrorist assassination of one of Iran’s top military commanders has, in fact, opened the gates to an ugly course of action which might sooner or later, come to haunt its people across the globe. However, President Trump stated that Soleimani was plotting “imminent and sinister attacks” on American diplomats and American personnel, but that we “caught the general in the act and terminated him. Soleimani led a shadowy elite military organization called the Quds Force. The U.S says that in recent months the group has backed Iraqi militia who have launched several attacks on U.S personnel, including a recent attempt to storm the American Embassy in Baghdad. The Pentagon reported last spring that between 2003 and 2019, Iranian militia, presumably led by Iran’s second in command, Suleimani, killed many  Americans, or 1 out of 6 combat related American deaths in Iraq. But leftist liberals disagree on how to characterize this killing, for example, questioning if what happened would be comparable to Iran killing a high ranking US military official or the director of our CIA with a bomb on US soil. The problem is that General Qassem was not on Iranian soil but rather on Iraqi soil when he was killed. In other words, leftist liberals are accusing America, specifically the Trump administration, of occupying a sovereign state, and thus, assuming authority to destroy its enemies in that role. Further, they question whether an actual attack on Americans was “imminent.” Continue reading

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The MCI’s 2019 Annual fundraising banquet with special guest Dan Flynn – Texas House of Representatives


Representative Dan Flynn is in his ninth term representing House District 2 in the Texas House of Representatives. During his time at the Texas Capitol, Representative Flynn has established a strong conservative reputation by standing for limited government, fiscal responsibility, and family values.




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Social Entrepreneurship Technology and Business Institute (SETBI) in Cooperation with The Bureau of Jail Management and Penology ( BJMP) launched the Sports Fest at the Davao City Jail ( DCJ) Multi- Purpose Court on November 25th, 2019

Students of the College Education Behind Bars, the sole educational institution in the country located inside the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology facility in MA Davao City Jail . It was after all the first time they were pitted against each other in a basketball tournament that tested their skill in playing the favorite sport of Filipinos. Atty. Susan Cariaga, vice president of the Social Entrepreneurship Technology and Business Institute (SETBI), said this event is part of the mission of the school to develop not only the academic proficiency of students but to encourage them to be active in sports despite the inherent limitations inside jail, to keep their body and mind fit. With most of the students facing drug charges, Atty. Cariaga said this could also be part of their rehabilitation. She said that these students deserve and should be given another chance. Earlier that day, Nov. 23, the students, all 53 of them coming from BS in Communication Technology, BS in Agri Business, Grade 11 and Grade 12, were treated to a soothing massage by therapists of Vaya Wellness, a treatment facility that uses Pulsated Electro Magnetic Field (PEMF) as their massage protocol.Rajan Sujanani, founder of Vaya Wellness, in an interview with the media on Nov. 22, Friday, said that these students need to feel that they are not shunned because of a mistake they have done in the past and that they still have the chance to reverse their fate.“And you can see how we can transform them into more healthy people,” he said, as he invited the media to witness the event.“They need to feel good about themselves despite where they are now. We provide some kind of relief from the stress and tension hey are presently undergoing,”Sujanani said. Continue reading

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A Proud Filipino shares his gifts, talents, and love to offer hope to the refugees from Myanmar to the South Sudan.

The last couple of years we have witnessed lots of negatives news about the Philippines; it was news not only here but abroad as well. From the war on drugs, corruption, poverty, typhoons, the Marawi war with fundamental Muslims, the South China Sea dispute with China, a dengue outbreak, and now polio coming back to the Philippines after twenty years, it is quite hard to figure out what is good news especially when the country struggles with image problems. These are some of the general impressions of the world about the Philippines that, while unpleasant, are undeniable true. However, despite the many negative comments that quite often overshadow, positive things are happening, and lots of things to be proud of emerge in the Philippines. The Filipinos are renowned all over the world for remarkable qualities, often downplayed or overlooked, but which nonetheless bring pride to the country. I have observed one of the best traits and distinct assets of Filipinos is that they display a sincerely heartfelt, nurturing spirit and caring touch in the way they interact with those close to them including others outside their kin circle.

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It Is the American Traditions to Betray the Kurds

The Kurds have an old famous proverb saying, “We have no friends but the mountains.” Now more than ever it has proven true. Trump’s withdrawal from Syria is the same as his predecessors’ treatment of using the ethnic minority as a geopolitical pawn. President Trump’s giving the green light to Turkey to cross the Syrian border and to crush the Kurds without U.S resistance did more than any single act has ever done to destroy America’s role in the Middle East and to isolate America from the rest of the world. By his decision to withdraw Americans from Syria, President Trump has done irreparable damage to America’s standing in the world. Consequently, the Kurds fear that the US withdrawal leaves them vulnerable, particularly to attack from Turkey. Turkey considers several Kurdish groups, including the People’s Protection Units, also known as the YPG, to be terrorist organizations. The YPG is the backbone of the Syrian Democratic Forces, which is the main US partner on the ground in the battle against ISIS and the ally that has controlled a large swath of northern Syria for the past several years. The Kurds are an ethnic group of about forty-million people centered at the intersection of Turkey, Syria, Iran, and Iraq. Kurds are Muslims yet are being oppressed by Muslim countries. Many Kurds naturally want their own state, but, of course, neither Turkey, Syria, Iran, nor Iraq want that happen. Continue reading

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The Patience of Job: Suicide Problems Among the Youth

Two weeks ago, I invited Dr. Rachele Jan Lobino-Enojada to be our resource speaker at the Minority Care International weekly study forum on the topic of “ Suicide Among the Youth.” There were around fifty students, all young college students, all eager for the exchange of thought and emotions that took place. Some of the students shared that classmates had committed suicide. After Dr. Lobino finished her talk, we conversed on topics that interested the young people with the question arising, “Why do people kill themselves?” What I observed during the conversation is that students need to see authentic life and a new way to live life.Sadly, the answers I heard were about petty and confined aspects of life. Because a guy broke up with my friend or she broke up with him, the individual commited suicide. She is fat so that is why people bully her and make her want to end her life. He felt that he is not loved so he killed himself. Even the reason that because her parents did not get her a new gadget, she contemplated commit suicide. The student is gay or lesbian and the family did not agree with this life style, so he or she was depressed and wanted to die. The new generation peaks at life through the small window of their prison cell, thinking that they understand all that is life. When I ask students, “What does life mean to you?”,  they looked at me as if there was a slide of bacon coming out of my nostrils. Most of this generation’s minds have become dull with the distractions of modern life, they feel uncomfortable reaching inward that far and bringing out that much of themselves, or they do not feel curious about life anymore. Life for this new generation has to be all about fun; if life is not fun, then it is not worth living, whatever fun means to them. If they post their picture online and do not get any “likes” or less “likes” than they anticipated, that makes them depressed. If they send ten text messages to different  friends and get less responses, they conclude that no one likes them. Such a life is very self centric and ego driven. Continue reading

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Pornography is the Most Dangerous Drug of 21st Century

Pornography addiction is something people will joke about but is ultimately a behavior that can seriously damage more important functions and responsibilities in our life. With a porn addiction, the behavior of a person is considered compulsive in that the addict spends lots of time watching porn instead of interacting with others or completing important work. The addictive behavior would persist even if it harms a person’s career, relationships, or state of well-being. Pornography has been around for centuries; however, the widespread availability of porn means the problem touches more people than ever before. Soft-core porn is everywhere we look—in movies, magazines, emails, billboards, TV programming, and even on posters at bus stops. And it is in the media. In our world both men and women dress to attract attention and to elicit romantic or erotic feelings in others. We are all bombarded with porn everyday. It is the atmosphere we live in. I had a student come to me to ask for help because he had been struggling with porn and self-sexual arousal since he was a teenager. He told me he had tried all the right things, accountability, exercise, even cold showers, memorizing Bible verses, and church involvement, but he still struggled with porn. The question is when do people know they are addicted to porn? Porn addiction happens when a person’s sexual behavior is dominating or interfering with his or her life, Continue reading

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Social Entrepreneurship Technology and Business Institute (SETBI), University of Southeastern Philippines (USeP) Hold 2nd Int’l Conference on Higher Education Inside Prison

Social Entrepreneurship Technology and Business Institute (SETBI), University of Southeastern Philippines (USEP) hold the 2nd International Conference on Inmates’ Transformative Education for Successful Re-entry on August 14-15, 2019 at the Social Hall of the USeP Obrero campus in Davao City.Centered on the theme “ Rethinking Rehabilitation: Community in Unity, Obstacles and Realities”, the conference gathered representatives from the five pillars of the Criminal Justice System, non-government organizations (NGOs), community leaders, academic leaders, criminal justice practitioners, and students.Researchers from different parts of the country and abroad as well personalities from the Bureau of corrections, Bureau of Jail Management and Penology , Dangerous Drug board, Philippines Drug Enforcement agency , City Anti –drug Abuse Council , selected USep faculty , students and other guests present their papers on the importance of education in the future development of the Criminal Justice System.

The tow days event, which highlights the role of transformative education in reducing recidivism, serve as an avenue for the researchers to share their experiences and findings of studies on prison-based education and other related topics such as drug addiction and rehabilitation. Continue reading

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MCI’s 8th Eye Care Outreach 


April 6, 2019
Dr. Minda Rodriguez, an ophthalmologist,Dr Magdalena Sta. Ana, MCI President Dr. Aland Mizell, and Attorney Susan Cariaga donated eye care service to Buhangin District, Brangay Mandug, Davao City, on April 6, 2019 along with a team of MCISA college students organized through Minority Care International Student Association. MCI distributed more than 250 new eyeglasses. MCI extends its thanks to Dr. Rodriguez, Attorney Cariaga,Dr Magdalena Sta. Ana, and MCI scholars for their amazing work. MCI’s goal for this ongoing project is to provide eyeglasses to improve vision and to give free eye check-ups to economically struggling communities. Last year MCI distributed more than 400 eyeglasses and gave eye check-ups for more than 1500 people, all of whom were adults. MCI alumni who are registered nurses gave free blood pressure screening for the community. Many of the people who received the free eye check-ups and eyeglasses are very happy because they can now see clearly as they read. The eye care clinic is an outreach project for students to practice compassionate servanthood, one that draws a variety of disadvantaged people to receive eye exams and free eyeglasses. This was a meaningful project for our students who enjoyed serving to fulfill this community need. Thank you, MCI.

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