Davao Del Norte State College (DNSC) and the Social Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Business Institute (SETBI) College Education Behind Bars sealed its partnership with a Memorandum of agreement signed by Dr. Aland Mizell, President of Social Entrepreneurship, Technology, and Business Institute (SETBI); Attorney Susan Cariaga, Vice President of SETBI; the Davao Del Norte State College ‘s President Dr.Joy M. Sorrosa; and Girley S. Gumanao, VP Academic and Research of DNSC, singed the Memorandum of Agreement on February 20,2020 , at the Davao Del Norte State College Conference room. Davao Del Norte State College ‘s President Dr.Joy M. Sorrosa (DNSC). “ we have commonality on purpose and aspiration for drug free Philippines. DNSC President Stated. “ We strongly believe, the drug problem is a social problem; therefore, it is everybody’s problem , and everybody has a responsibility and a role to play. PDL ‘s re-entry begin at the point of their entry into the Prison. And an effective rehabilitation program should be in placed before PDL’s transition from custody to into society and begin their new lives. This is what we believe at the College Education Behind Bars. Not only ensure that PDL serve their sentences in a safe , secure setting but also to return them to their communities and families as restored , reform , rehabilitated and law biding citizens. We have bene committed to changing lives, one inmate , one day, at a time. A variety of opportunity and outlets are devoted to the pre- release process at the College Education Behind Bars, four year college degree, recovery programs, Senior High Schools degree, Vocational training, faith based courses, life skills development help prepare e PDL for long term success.” Dr Mizell said. Continue reading
Meet the Author
Dr. Aland Mizell is with the University of Mindanao School of Social Science, President of the MCI and a regular contributor to The Kurdistan Tribune, Kurdishaspect.com, Mindanao Times and Kurdish Media.You may email the author at:aland_mizell2@hotmail.com.Become a Member today!