Architect’s perspective of College Behind Bars Campus.

Dr. Aland Mizell conceived of and founded the first “College Education behind Bars” project in the Philippines in 2016 with the backing of Attorney Susan Cariaga. The Social Entrepreneurship Institute (SEI) is funding this initiative by building and furnishing the classrooms at the Ma-a Jail in Davao. This is the initial pilot project in the

Philippines, which SEI anticipates implementing across the Philippines.SEI’s President Dr. Aland Mizell and Vice-President Attorney Cariaga partnered with the University of Southern Philippines to design this program. Students at the jail will enroll in the USEP. Inmate students will read the same university- assigned textbooks and complete the equivalent college level assignments as the “outside” college students, and when they graduate, they will receive a diploma from the USEP. The only difference is that USEP teachers will travel to the Ma-a Jail to teach courses there, instead of on the USEP campus.

Before students enroll in the program, SEI will assess and screen detainees for basic literacy and readiness for college, using such assessment tools as the Test of Adult Basic Education (TABE) to determine their grades level, vocational assessments needs, length of sentence, security clearance, etc. Inmates will sign the agreement to enroll in a course and be monitored for being on their best behavior at all times. To be prepared for additional college coursework, transitional employment, and life demands for cognitive skills, detainees will be advised after completing their college courses and will be more thoroughly counseled before release.

In collaboration with USEP, SEI will determine the college degree plan and develop the curriculum. The SEI will govern the management structure of the partnership between the prison and the university. The program will offer several components—basic education, vocational training, life skills development, and substance abuse intervention with weekly sessions of Celebrate Recovery steps-- according to a timeline offered in the Memorandum of Agreement, but will initiate the first semester with three courses. After a semester of ongoing evaluation, courses in entrepreneurship, languages, computers skills, health care, agriculture, and critical thinking, anger management, and the General Educational Equivalence Diploma (GED) will be added. Open learning and distance learning will be integrated into the educational program.

In addition to work and educational training inside the prison, a discharge plan is very important. Released inmates are at the highest risk of recidivism after their release. Most of prisoners get out of jail without money, real direction, or an accurate public perception of themselves and their stigma. During this transition time, prisoners are at a high risk of getting arrested or having drug relapse. SEI will establish a probation period and will maintain contact after the inmates’ incarceration to connect them with certain establishments or agencies thereby streamlining their reentry into society. If they break the contract, they will have strict consequences.

The Memorandum of Agreement for College Education behind Bars was signed by Dr. Aland Mizell, President of Social Entrepreneurship of Technology and Business Institute (SETBI), and Attorney Susan Cariaga , Vice-President of SETBI; the University of Southeastern Philippine’s President Dr. Lourdes Generalao; and the Chief of the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP), J/ Dir. Serafin Petronio Barretto, Jr. CESO IV for a Program on Prison Rehabilitation and College Education behind Bars on September 28, 2016, at the House of Representatives , Batasan Road, Batasan Hills. Congresswoman Mylene Garcia- Albano of the Second District of Davao City, and Attorney Lily Freida M. Milla CESO IV, Director III, International Affairs, Commission on Higher Education and Davao City Jail Warden JSupt. Grace S. Taculin and Assistant Warden JSInsp. Roberto C. Gotico witnessed the signing in Quezon City.

Signing of the MOA for the College Behind Bars Project.

Dr. Aland Mizell

Founder of College Education behind Bars in the Philippine,

President of Social Entrepreneurship Technology

Business Institute Foundation, Inc.

T: (082) 321-2739

Co-founder Attorney Susan P. Cariaga

Vice President of Social Entrepreneurship Technology

Business Institute Foundation, Inc.

P: +63 9176235409





The West Is Treating the Rest of the World Hypocritically/ like Toddlers

President Rodrigo Duterte lashed out against the European Parliament for demanding that the Philippines stop efforts in Congress to reinstate the death penalty, monitor rights abuses in the country, and call for the immediate release of detained Senator Leila de Lima.  On March 19, during a gathering of some of the 1,800 Filipinos residing in Myanmar, President Duterte cursed the critics and admonished them, “Do not impose your culture or your belief in what would be a government in this planet; why don’t you mind your own business?” He rightly criticized the issue of how the West does not seem to respect Asian countries in their decision to continue to impose the death penalty. Currently, the Philippines House of Representatives approved its version of the death penalty bill that allows execution of drug convicts through hanging, firing squad, or lethal injections. The counterpart bill still has to go through Senate. The world struggles to balance the democratic promise of human rights protection against its historically Western identification. Western attitudes toward human rights and the Philippine are riddled with contradictions. The West gives aid to poor countries, but then takes back four times as much in debt repayments through the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, rather than forgiving the debts. The West protests about Duterte‘s war on drug in a faraway place, ignoring the fact that the weapons used were probably made closer to home. The West talks about eradicating poverty but for more than fifty years has not eliminated it. Western policies regarding human rights are carefully planned and staged, yet are often managed hypocrisy. These policies --and the violations that result from them -- are not charges against President Duterte only but also are official directives “legally” enacted and implemented over centuries. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has been a great example used to shore up oppression against the developing countries, such as the Philippines and nations in Africa and the Middle East, such as where Western countries bungled affairs in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Libya.  Continue reading

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TWO OF Donald Trump’s most effective slogans during the presidential campaign were “America First” and “Make America Great Again.” This underscores the contrast between seeking globalist interests versus fighting for American interests. President Trump promised his supporters he would give priority to national interests. Currently, we are witnessing the same sentiment in Europe, with some asserting that fascism is on the rise there, and that President Donald Trump is an American example of fascism. This is a false assumption.The nation-state is reasserting itself as the primary vehicle of political life. In Europe, the refugees and immigrants from conflict-torn countries are challenging the European Union’s institutions. Some European citizens see the immigrant policy as not being in the national interest. Even though some of these refugees and immigrants go against European national interests, accusing the nations of being racist or fascists when they guard their borders and beliefs is wrong. Continue reading

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Trump Presidency:  Clash of Value, Culture, and ideology

Islam is going to be the last giant to face Christians. In the few days since Donald Trump took office, he has signed quite a number of executive orders, some of which have caused heated debates. The current media and left wing buzz about President Trump’s executive order that he signed enacting a temporarily ban on entry into the USA of nationals from seven Muslims countries is normal. I don’t understand what all the buzz is about; he is just doing what he told his supporters he would do if he was elected President. There is no doubt that President Trump has declared war on Radical Islam, thereby demonstrating that his administration will shift America’s approach to terrorism. People should understand that President Trump’s order did not come from nowhere. President Obama ‘s approach to terrorism produced the ISIS and caused Americans to vote for Donald Trump out of disenchantment and frustration, and Muslims in the West have produced Donald Trump’s policies toward them.For years President Obama refused to properly address the threat of radical ideology by fighting against it. So the American people decided they wanted to have a tough leader who would call something by its name without being constrained by political correctness. Denying the problem will not solve the problem itself; the only way to solve the problem is to address it correctly. It is true that Islamic values and Western values clash with one another. This is not about hate toward Muslims nor producing hate or fear. We need to accept our differences before we agree on our commonalities; that is the problem. Donald Trump is not just temporarily restricting immigration from seven Muslims countries to the United States, but also he tells the public that Islam hates the West.  We are living in a world war against an ideological movement with many of its members committed to kill those who do not believe or share an ideology with them. Continue reading

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Kurds Should Relate Well to Everyone but Rely on No One but Themselves

The past centuries of the Middle East domination of the Arabs, Persians, and Turks have been a major historical aberration. All aberrations end eventually. The Kurds have returned to center stage again. However, many Kurdish leaders do not understand this, or they do understand but because of their egos, selfishness, and mental maps, they have been trapped by their narrow-minded thinking and self-interests. Leaders as well as friends of the Kurds should realize that we are entering a completely different historical era. It is going to be an era where the Kurds will have their own state.The Kurds are always making some serious strategic mistakes in their dealing with each other. They have sometimes sacrificed long-term interests in favor of short-term objectives and their global interests in favor of self-concerns. And in the process, they have undermined a critical catalyst to their independence. The United States, Russia, China, or the EU will not create a new Kurdish state. To do so might be seen as making up for their imposing borders nearly a century ago, but the Kurds have to make their own decisions. Kurdistan’s peaceful emergence as it fights against ISIS, as the number one power is a modern geopolitical miracle. Great power transitions are accompanied by competition and conflict. The KRG has managed to establish workable state institutions, including an electoral system, institutions of local government, and an effective military in the Peshmerga. It is true those institutions are not perfect in terms of checks and balances, but which country is free from corruption? That is not to say that corruption should be allowed, absolutely not. It is to say that Kurdistan is ready. Continue reading

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What rights are being taken away from the women?

Donald Trump’s inagaguration speech with its different tones in his message to the people and the major march that took place on Saturday against him showed the beginning of a new era for America and its role in the world, Time will reveal whether Trump will keep his promise to make America great again. Will he return power to the American people as he declared? This President is the richest President the United States ever has had, yet, he rightly criticized the politicians that got rich as the citizens became poor. The Women’s March is nonsense; they are talking about women’s rights. I wonder what rights are being taken away from them. They just don’t like Donald Trump and are using women’s issues or other excuses to undermine Trump’s Presidency. I am not justifying Donald Trump‘s rhetoric toward women and minorities during the campaign, but I am questioning the motives behind the demonstrators.This march was their chance to stand with the other women in support of a more inclusive and equal world, but when the President of the United States of America is assuming power from the former President, it is not the time. The documented promiscuity of Bill Clinton with not only one women but also with many during his Presidency did not result in any march on the White House, nor have I seen any statement from Bill Clinton’s wife showing solidarity with women. But, purportedly, the protesters’ aim and goal is women’s rights or the rights of minorities, but do they care about women? Continue reading

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Many ASEAN Countries Do Not Trust China

There is no doubt this century will be different from the previous ones. If China plays its card correctly, the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) will be a critical catalyst for China’s future as well as the U.S.’s presence in the Pacific. It is true that China has a territorial dispute with almost all its Asian neighbors, and China’s growth is a big concern for these neighbors. If China does not make some strategic mistake in its dealings with the ASEAN, if is does not sacrifice its long-term interests in favor of short –term objectives and its global interest in favor of regional concerns, then China will gain the trust of its neighbors, and it will help China to rise peacefully in its global economic status. Otherwise, some of its neighbors will continue to doubt China’s intent and will seek security from other countries. There is no doubt that the peaceful rise of China as a world power after the United States is a great achievement.According to some of the studies, in 1980 its share of the global GDP in terms of purchasing power parity was 2 percent –-far less than the 22 percent the United States accounted for. China is now the world ‘s number one trading power and the world biggest exporter of manufactured goods. As such, China’s share has surpassed the United States’ position. However, a great power transition normally causes conflict and competition, like the example of the Middle East. Yet, so far China has emerged peacefully with no major wars breaking out to date. Continue reading

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American Leadership in a Darkening World

Obama is a one of the weakest Presidents in the history of the United States.I am glad he will soon be leaving the White House, so that I will never again have to write about him or the weakest president in the history of America. Obama’s presidency will be defined by its failure, his disengaging America from the Middle East, and his letting the Russians and the Iranians be in charge of the region. His “pivot to Asia” is also a total catastrophe, particularly in losing the Philippines to China. During his eight years in power President Obama bullied his allies and empowered his enemies.The role of the President is to hold his constitutional duty to preserve, protect, and defend the United States, but now we are hearing that the President hasn’t done anything, for example, about Russians’ hacking American democracy with the help of Putin and Iran or about the Assad regime’s mass slaughter. He has, however, reserved a special anger for Duterte for going after the drug users and dealers, and for Jews building houses in their homeland. Yet, he has ignored the Gulenist cult’s failed coup against the democratically elected Turkish government, and, as a result, the killing of more than 245. Additionally, he has failed to address the home front problem of the cult’s giving bribes to so many American politicians, academics, and others in the form of free trips to Turkey to promote Gulen’s Islamic view around the world. Continue reading

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Multi- Currency World System 

During the Cold War, the Soviet Union dominated the East and the United States the West, but the end of the Cold War changed the balance of the 
world. The American victory resulted in American hegemony in a unipolar 
system--America. Even all the tall monuments in Washington, DC represent America’s supremacy as the world superpower. However, America’s international 
standing has started to fade. America no longer is the world policemsn, even in the face of rising terrorism. The reason that the world has become so disordered and chaotic is because America is 
no longer able to bring order to a disordered world.The leaders of the world no longer care 
much about the White House, and this explains why President Duterte cursed President 
Obama and why the Syrian President Bashar Al Assad is using chemical weapons against his own people. 
Putin annexed Crimea and now has established bases in Syria helping the Assad regime to 
succeed. Recently the foreign ministers from Russia, Turkey, and Iran met in Moscow to 
bring peace in the Middle East, and, noticeably, they excluded America from the talks on this strategic region. President 
Obama was unwillingly to put boots on the ground to deal with Assad’s regime; instead, Russia took 
charge under the Obama administration, and America even lost the trust of its long-time ally, Israel, and 
relied on its absentee status at the UN thus abstaining against the Israeli settlement. The world really sings that America
 is no longer supportive of and no longer engaged in the Middle East. That is also why Saudi 
Arabia took military action in Yemen. Continue reading

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Minority Care International’s 4th Annual Banquet

15220094_10211469521559748_3210121751671829791_nMinority Care International’s 4th Annual Banquet with Texas House Representative Dan Flynn 

Dr. Aland Mizell with  Texas House Representative Dan Flynn

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