The president of the Social Entrepreneurship Institute, Dr. Aland Mizell, received an award from Bureau of Corrections for initiating College Education Behind Bars in Davao Prison and Penal Farm formerly known as DAPECOL . This initiative serves as a nationwide model, having received national attention as the only such program combining education and rehabilitation for prisoners/students in the Philippines and indeed in Southeast Asia. Dr. Mizell was honored for his work as an educator, for his role in founding this innovative program for the incarcerated, and for his effort to show that learning has the power to change lives. The award was presented during the BuCor 91th th Anniversary, which was held in Davao Prison Penal Farm on January 21, 2023. Dr. Mizell’s being selected to receive this award highlights SETBI’s strong commitment to community service and to providing bright and motivated students with opportunities to experience the transformational power of higher education.
From to time, we like to share letters written by the men and women in our College Education Behind Bars Program. Our goal is to provide education helps break the cycle , connecting PDLs students with the kinds of opportunities and insights that enables to help themselves , their families and their communities . For those in our program so that they leave Prison or Jail and never come back. This letter was written to College Education Behind Bars founder Dr. Aland Mizell and Co-founder Attorney Susan Cariaga I would like to start by saying how truly blessed I am to have met all of you. I am truly grateful for the College Education Behind Bars program. It has transformed my life on a level that I never thought was possible. When I started the program, you saw something in me that I did not see in myself at the time. It's kind of funny when I look back on the past few years and reflect on my experiences while in College Education Behind Bars . For this I will be forever grateful and will carry the benefits of your efforts forward into my life outside the prison walls as you have made my experience one of correction rather than imprisonment.There is not a day that goes by where I do not think of you guys. You have a special place in my heart forever. Please read the rest of the letter