Davao Prison and Penal Farm PDLs  1st graduation ceremony held inside Davao Prison and Penal Farm( DAPECOL) July 15, 2022

There is no resource more powerful than an education, where people can gain new skills and learn new perspectives,” one Bureau of Corrections – BuCor official said. A group of incarcerated students at the DAPECOL began a new chapter of their lives   on July15th 2022 after graduation with their Senior High Diploma. “ Today, an education to me, means freedom, forgiveness, accountability, , and opportunity.” One of the graduates, said during the ceremony.  The opportunity to show that we are not our worst decisions,” one of the student added.Obtaining diploma in a prison setting through a partner like College Education Behind Bars , Thompsons Christian School, SETBI is an opportunity for incarcerated people to have a true second chance. Their accomplishment has a positive effect on the other People of Deprived Liberty ( PDLS ), their friends, families, and communities. An because of this, we strongly believe that a college education behind bars is about breaking the cycle of incarceration and reduce the recidivism rate , and decongesting Prison population. While some argue incarcerated people do not deserve a second chance because of the crimes they committed but we believe education is the key to create a healing environment both inside and outside prison walls. The public should know that education behind bars isn’t a free pass to wipe their slates clean. It is an acknowledgement that they have to change their lives to be accountable , and education is that allows them to do that. Big  Congratulation to PDLS, Davao Prison Penal Farm superintendent, education department officers, Thompson Christian School teachers, President of SETBI Dr. Aland Mizell, Vice President Attorney Susan Cariaga .

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From Captivity to Productivity

This week Reny Ornado Aguilar earned his Bachelor of Science in Computer Technology at the University of Southeastern Philippines and is currently working at the Cariaga Law Office. Because Reny’s parents separated when he was a child, he never saw his father. From the time of that separation everything became completely unsettled and dysfunctional for him. The only reactions he could muster were confusion, anger and fear, so he took those emotions and tried to use them as a form of power, resulting in the perfect formula for getting in trouble, going down the wrong path, and landing him in the Davao City Jail where he was sentenced for and to misspending his time and squandering his life. It did not take much time in jail for Reny to realize that his actions were hurting not only himself, but also other people he loved the most, his children. He also realized that he needed to radically change his life if he wanted to be a proud father again.When outside, Reny lacked access to acceptable education, but inside he enrolled in College Education Behind Bars in Davao City that gave him a chance to obtain a quality education. When Reny graduated from college at age forty-two, he proved once again that education cannot be limited by age. He also discredited skeptics who hold that individuals areconfined by their past. If given the right chance, Persons Deprived of Liberty (PDL) can reform and become productive members of society, a transformation that seems impossible until it is done. For Reny his failure was not fatal, nor was his success final; but his courage to continue counted then and now. This undergraduate degree was his first major academic achievement. In tandem with College Education Behind Bars (CEBB), the program offered Celebrate Recovery. While incarcerated at the Davao City Jail, Reny took rehabilitation classes, and through these classes he realized that he is bigger than his problems and that he could understand and overcome his habits and hang-ups. Continue reading

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SETBI Interviews for Second Batches of Applicants on May 13, 2022

SETBI is already running a college program in partnership with the Bureau of Jail Management and Penology (BJMP) and the University of Southeastern Philippines ( USEP) having successful lunched the College Education Behind Bars, the first kind in the Philippines and Asia to provide college education Behind Bars and constructed a College campus inside the Davao City Jail.The Memorandum of Agreement for this College Education Behind Bars project was signed by Dr. Aland Mizell, President of Social Entrepreneurship of Technology and Business Institute (SETBI), and Attorney Susan Cariaga, Vice-President of SETBI; and Ronald Dela Rosa, Director General of the Bureau Corrections. Gerardo F. Padilla, MPA, Supperintendent Davao Prison and Penal Farm August 6, 2018, at the Davao Prison and Penal Farm.The Social Entrepreneurship Technology and Business Institute, Inc. (SETBI), by partnering with the Bureau of Corrections (BuCor) has initiated a “College Education Behind Bars” Second Campus at the Davao Prison and Penal Farm. This program aims to provide the inmates, both male and female, who are mostly drug dependent, the means to advance their education in prison. It also offers them a recovery program with their college diplomas, so that if or when they are released, they are fully equipped to go back into society as a contributor to nation building and not a burden to their family and community. Through the College Education Behind Bars mentoring and recovery program, detainees enhance skills critical to completing a college degree and building trust in personal relationships. Both activities significantly increase prisoners’ chances of succeeding when returning to the community.

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SETBI Met with Davao City Jail Command Team on May 16, 2022

SETBI Met with Davao City Jail Command team on May 13, 2022

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Ukraine To Be Given an Accelerate Path to Joining the European Union


Ukraine To Be Given an Accelerate Path to Joining the European Union. Ukraine currently has an association agreement with the EU, signed in 2014.But it is not among the five countries Turkey, Albania, North Macedonia, Montenegro and Serbia. That are official candidates to join the EU, and which have all begun accession negotiation. Many Ukrainians wanted to be free to choose the future of their country. They believe and sovereign. This was their only crime. Today, as Putin is invading the entire territory of Ukraine, it is once again, for this crime that many Ukrainians are going to be killed. Putin has invaded Ukraine. If the West especially Germany and France had not looked away in 2014 and stop buying gas and doing business with the Putin, this war might have been averted. For now, all those who love freedom are Ukrainians. There will be bloodshed, Putin might occupy Ukraine, and Ukraine will lose many of its best sons and daughters. But President Putin will not win this war of choice. Vladimir Putin wants to return to the cold war, a time when the superpowers divided the world among themselves to dominate as a global power; however, that era has passed. Dictators do not listen to reason, which is why they often go to war. Dictators, in this case Putin, send young men to die because of a fear of losing power to a democracy, even one desired by the will of their own people. Therefore, the former KGB leader decided to declare war on Ukraine, a war waged against a brother but one he will not win. Instead, Putin is going to make Ukraine his Iraq and Afghanistan. Continue reading

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There Is No Leader to Keep President Putin in Check

The West failed present a united front in the face of a Russian power grab in the ongoing Ukrainian crisis. Putin thinks he can get what he wants by showing off his muscles because that is how strongmen did things in the last century with their authoritative political rule, such as Mao Zedong or Fidel Castro. Under Putin’s leadership Russia has expanded from the Baltic states through Belarus, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Syria, the Middle East, Venezuela, and now Ukraine  Known primarily for its Kremlin, vodka, rich literature, and Matryoshka dolls, Russia has been rallied to a point where the country has effectively challenged Western and American leadership. This is all happening because of the absence of good leadership in the West,including in the United States. As the United States itself has withdrawn its historical role from some of these regions in the years under the administrations of both Barak Obama and Donald Trump, now Putin is essentially telling the West and NATO that these regions are under his sphere of influence so others should keep their hands off; in other words, I have full authority and capability to intervene here in whatever way I want. President Obama’s pivot to Asia policy and his leaving the Middle East were geopolitical gifts to President Putin. By withdrawing its influence from these areas, Obama left a power vacuum. Continue reading

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College Inside Prison : A Proven Criminal Justice Model By Aland David Mizell (January 2022)

Dr. Aland Mizell New Book College Inside Prison : A Proven Criminal Justice Model

A Proven Criminal Justice Model Direct and powerful prisoner testimonies by successful graduates of College Education Behind Bars (CEBB) breathe undeniable life into this remarkable story about the power of hope and the possibility of redemption. Confronted with an overcrowded jail overflowing with hopeless brothers and sisters, Dr. Aland Mizell conceived of CEBB as a light to shine into darkness. Making that light a reality required to seek out and create effective partnerships with government officials, criminal justice agencies, and forward-thinking university administrators. CEBB's academic courses and mandatory recovery program offer prisoners a realistic hope for transforming themselves into productive members of their families and communities, heightening success at reentry and lowering the chance of recidivism. The author calls for replication of this academic and rehabilitative initiative across the Philippines and the passage of a a Second Chance Act. "College Education Behind Bars is a symbol of hope in the era of mass incarceration. Through this innovative higher education program, Dr. Aland Mizell offers purpose to PDL, preparing them for release and demonstrating that education that should be available even to those behind bars - it's a gateway for second chances especially for those desiring a better future." Dr. J. Prospero "Popoy" de Vera III, Chairman, Commission on Higher Education, Office of the President, Republic of the Philippines "The College Behind Bars program that Aland Mizell built in the Davao City Jail is essentially a miracle: a thoroughly developed and incredibly organized education program in one of the most challenging settings I have ever laid eyes on. It is testament to what is possible when we truly believe in the power of education to change the world." Dr. Baz Dreisinger, professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, founder of Prison-to-College Pipeline, executive director of the Incarceration Nations Network, and author of Incarceration Nations: A Journey to Justice in Prisons Around the World Aland David Mizell, founder and COE of College Education Behind Bars as well as Minority Care International, earned his master's degrees in political science and public administration and a doctorate in political science with an emphasis on minority politics. He reads and speaks several languages adding to the breadth of his research on alternatives to violence, incarceration, and hopelessness. He is an American social entrepreneur and scholar, living in the Philippines.

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Davao Prison and Penal Farms (DPPF) Superintendent CTSSUPT Albert C Manalo visited College Education Behind Bars with the SETBI President Dr. Aland Mizell and Vice President Attorney Cariaga -October 7,2021

Superintendent Albert C. Manalo , who visited with the SETBI President Dr.Aland Mizell and Vice President Attorney Susan Cariaga, was very impressed with the College Education Behind Bars Campus and encouraged Superintendent Manalo   to open more schools inside prisons saying the government should support the program. Superintendent Manalo  told us he wanted to see more rehabilitation center like College education behind because the best way to decongest the Philippines Prison is to replaced more College education behind bars inside prison. Prisons need better and more effective correctional education program like College Education behind Bars. Philippines Prison system is overcrowded , congested and broken, but College Education Behind bars  can fix many of its problems. College Education behind bars would bring fiscal, social and correctional benefits. Released PDLs will be rehabilitated with the knowledge and skills to find jobs, pay taxes and enrich the economy, ensures that all people regardless of their past are given an opportunity to thrive in the future.


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First Batch of College Education Behind Bars Students in Davao City Jail Graduates from Four-Year Bachelor’s Degree: A Step Toward Freedom

Marking a first for College Education Behind Bars at the Davao City Jail, thirty-two Persons Deprived of Liberty (DPL) graduated with a four-year bachelor’s degree or a senior high school diploma. The students in the higher education program denote the first to earn a four-year college degree, and thus a diploma, from the University of the Southeastern Philippines while incarcerated. This diploma allows the graduates to take a step toward freedom. Although the jail had an Alternative Learning System previously, the Thompson Christian School awarded the senior high school students their official diploma. These 32 men and women are a testament to the power of education and the positive influence of College Education Behind Bars at the Davao City Jail. Their success refutes the notion that offenders do not merit tertiary education and do not have the capacity to change, a view often perpetuated by media as it sensationalizes the darker side of humanity in confinement. Today we celebrate the bright side as a contrast to current crises. To both the public and to elected officials, this significant graduation conveys an important message that says the more opportunities DPL have to learn, value education, and seize possibilities, then the greater the chance they will break the cycle of imprisonment not just for themselves but for future generations to come. These individuals have shown great resilience and discipline by completing their college degree plan. Further, their commitment and adherence to rules and regulations define the best way to implement the Good Conduct Time Allowance (GCTA) law for a reduction of sentences. Continue reading

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Happy CHED ‘s 27th Founding Anniversary & First National Higher Education Day

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